Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Babies...

I wish I could just slow down time...

to the days when this young man was just learning to walk and run...
smiling with a sweet, toothless grin...
singing and dancing to songs from Pooh Corner...
dribbling his miniature Buzz Lightyear basketball with chubby, little hands...
yelling, "Mama!" and running to give me a hug when I picked him up from school...

to the days when this sweet, little lady was small enough to rock to sleep in my arms...
babbling and cooing with her precious voice...
cuddling with me for her late night feedings...
crawling around the house after her Bubby...
Although I am so amazingly proud of these kids and how wonderful they are... I really wish that I could just slow down time and keep them young a little longer. They are just growing up too fast for their Mama!!


  1. GREAT post! I feel that way nearly every single day!

  2. Wonderful post!!! I know how you feel, I look at my girls and think why does the years have to pass so fast.
